Property & Procurement
Commissioner Highlight
Greetings from the Department of Property and Procurement!
Team DPP is pleased to welcome you to partner with us as we continue to serve the people of the Territory of the Virgin Islands with pride and selflessness. Reimagining business operations to address the Government’s needs while adapting to current market conditions is our greatest priority.
Each Division and Unit within the Department works diligently to meet our statutory mandates while keeping in the forefront the goal of improving government operations. Designed to create efficiencies, and centralize government operations, we utilize electronic solutions to include: GVIBUY in the procurement space; GVIFleet in the transportation space; and FOLIO USVI in the property space.
We thank you for your visit to our website and look forward to meeting your business needs.
Something for everybody
As the general services agency of the Government of the U.S. Virgin Islands, we aim to provide excellence in administrative and mission support services to the Executive Branch.
We envision sustainable operations and solutions through innovation, continuous process improvement, and stakeholder relations throughout government.

Entities interested in these government-wide opportunities for providing goods and services to the Government of the Virgin Islands must register as a GVI vendor. Our Vendor Management Unit stands ready to assist new vendors and answer questions on requirements for doing business with the GVI. For inquiries, contact vendormanagement

DPP’s Property Division can assist with a wide selection of government-owned land and buildings across the Territory of the United States Virgin Islands for lease. Our Business and Commercial Unit manages all applications for leases and approved lease agreements. Prospective tenants wishing to lease GVI property are encouraged to contact us at property@dpp.vi.gov.

We encourage agencies to become familiar with our Procurement Manual and contact us at procurement@dpp.vi.gov with any questions. Our Property and Printing Division stands ready to assist agencies with printing needs; contact property@dpp.vi.gov. Our Transportation Division manages the GVI’s motor vehicle fleet and offers assistance to agencies; contact transportation@dpp.vi.gov.

Keeping Count
Stay up to date with the latest stats on what the department is doing.
Information current as of May 31, 2024
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